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Our patients receive the benefits of the laser system considered by physicians world-wide as the "Gold Standard"
for the treatment of a wide variety of vascular skin conditions.
More than 15 years ago, the Candela Laser Corporation first invented pulsed
dye laser technology. The VBeam laser system is the newest vascular laser manufactured
by Candela.
Candela VBeam laser therapy is gentle enough for use on infants as young as
a few weeks old, yet powerful enough to treat most adult skin problems.
In addition to the best standard of care currently available in the industry,
the VBeam is less painful than other vascular laser systems. This is due to
Candela's exclusive technology known as DCDtm, Dynamic Cooling Device.
DCD sprays a liquid onto the skin before each laser pulse, cooling the upper
layers of skin, and providing increased comfort to patients. VBeam is the only
pulsed dye laser with DCD integrated into the system.
What conditions are treated with the Candela VBeam laser?
- commonly known as facial spider veins or broken blood vessels.
Rosacea (red face) - affecting the skin of the face around the nose, chin, and cheeks causing a blush or sunburned look.
Angiomas - small red spots which may be slightly raised or just beneath the surface of the skin.
Wine Stain Birthmarks - vascular
lesions that grow rapidly after birth and
may impair the function of another organ.
- small benign growths in the skin that usually appear on the hands or feet.
- red raised scars that are often caused by surgery, trauma, or burns.
Stretch Marks - frequently appearing after pregnancy over the stomach, thighs,
buttocks, and lower back.
Richard E. Buckley, MD Marina Buckley, MD
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Pocono Medical Care
Advanced Dermatology Laser and Skin Surgery Center
303 W. Harford St, Milford PA
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2003 by Pocono Medical Care, Inc. and Richard E. Buckley, MD, All rights reserved.